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March 10, 2005
Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism in Spain
Moderator: Rogelio Alonso
Panellists:Fernando Reinares, Edurne Uriarte, Francisco Llera, Antonio Elorza, Carlos Fernández de Casadevante, José Manuel Mata, Oscar Jaime Jiménez, Florencio Domínguez, Maite Pagazaurtundua
The panel Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism in Spain evaluated the country’s experiences with Basque and Islamist terrorism. Controversially, one panellist argued that the Basque case had proved some of the liberal assumptions wrong: political initiatives had consistently failed, democracy – if anything – appeared to encourage the terrorists, and economic prosperity had contributed little to creating stability. Others believed that the Basque experience provided crucial lessons, namely that co-operation – between countries, as well as between the police and the political agencies of the state – was crucial in making counter-terrorism measures effective. The panel was organised in collaboration with Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid.
Complete audio of the conference
- Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism in Spain
Audio Archive (Spanish) [2h., 27.5 MB, MP3]

General view of the table who spoke at the session about "Terrorism and anti-terrorism in Spain". (Photo: Club de Madrid)