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Conference FAQ

  1. What is the Club de Madrid?
  2. The Club of Madrid is an independent, non-partisan organisation dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world by drawing on the unique experience and resources of almost fifty formers heads of state and government of democratic nations. Its President is the former President of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Kim Campbell, the former Prime Minister of Canada, is the Club's Secretary-General.

    The Club of Madrid is organizing the Conference Under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King of Spain, the Spanish government, as well as the local authorities of Madrid.

  3. What is the purpose of the Summit?
  4. To commemorate the victims of terrorism across the world and provide a global forum to debate fresh ideas and alternative visions on how to fight terrorism within a democratic framework.

  5. Does the date of the Summit hold special significance?
  6. Yes. On March 11, 2004, ten bombs exploded on four trains during the busy rush hour in Madrid. More than 190 people died, almost two thousand were injured. It was one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in Europe ever. The key aims of the Summit are to honour the courageous people of Madrid who have suffered immeasurable grief since the March 11 attacks and set out a way forward.

  7. What will be the over-arching theme of the Summit?
  8. The Summit will rest on the idea that democratic government is the only legitimate —and still the only effective— way of fighting terrorism. Only freedom can save freedom, and the struggle against terrorism can only succees by the rule of law.

  9. What does the Club de Madrid aim to achieve with this Summit?
  10. The Club of Madrid aims to set the vision of a world founded on the principles and values of democracy. Indeed, the Conference aspires to become the foremost non-governmental event at which the agenda for a democratic response against terrorism is set.

    Because terrorism is a global phenomenon which requires a global response, the Conference will provide a forum to debate new and innovative ideas on how to combat terrorism, stimulating international exchange and learning. Most importantly, the Conference will formulate a comprehensive plan of action setting out what needs to be done next.

  11. Where will the conference be held?
  12. The Summit will be held in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I (Avenida Capital de España, s/n, 28042 Madrid)

  13. When will the conference take place?
  14. The Summit will commence on Tuesday March 8th and close on March 11th, 2005.

  15. Who will participate?
  16. The Summit will bring together global leaders and other exceptional individuals, whose experience and expertise will turn vision into reality. It will be attended by heads of state and government, key policy-makers, leading scholars, heads of international and non-governmental organisations, business and religious leaders, as well as outstanding intellectuals, artists and journalists.

    Not least, it is the citizens who are directly affected by terrorism, and therefore they cannot be absent from the debate about the responses. The Conference will give a voice to citizens from across the world, including —most prominently— the people of Madrid, as well as the friends and families of the victims of the March 11 attacks.

  17. Will the Club de Madrid collaborate with other organisations for this Summit?
  18. Yes. The Spanish Government, the Regional Government of Madrid and the Town Hall of Madrid signed a cooperation agreement with the Club of Madrid for the staging of the Summit. The Safe Democracy Foundation also collaborates with the event.

With the collaboration ofSafe Democracy Foundation
Members of the Club de Madrid

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