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Contents: Civil Society

January 11, 2005

Civil Society

Strengthening civil society against extremists and violent ideologies, as well as mobilising citizens in favour of democracy, are an essential part of the long-term response to terrorism. Civic engagement will therefore be one of the key issues addressed at the Summit.

Thematic Subject Area IV

Subject area co-ordinator

  • Miguel Darcy (Brazil), founder and director of CIVICUS and COMUNITAS. Exiled for his opposition to the military dictatorship in Brazil. NGO leader and civil society activist in the fields of human rights, democracy-building, AIDS and development.

Working groups co-ordinator

  • Mary Kaldor (UK), professor of global governance at the London School of Economics. Leading advocate of global civil society, who has written extensively on the transformation of warfare after the end of the Cold War. Author of the influential New and Old Wars (Polity 1998).

Citizens as Actors
Working Group 14

In the fight against terrorism, citizens have all too often been forgotten. In addition to the state response, the strengthening of civil society is critical in formulating a long-term response to terrorism. This working group discusses the roles citizens can play in strengthening democracy and countering terrorism.


Civil Society and Political Violence
Working Group 15

While terrorists usually aim their campaigns of violence at governments, it is the citizens that suffer the most. This working group examines the impact of terrorism and political violence on civil society, and attempts to define the sometimes delicate relationship between the citizens and the terrorists.


Civil Society Strategies
Working Group 16

If civil society is to become an effective means of prevention in the struggle against terrorism, it needs to develop a systematic understanding of its potential and limitations. This working group debates the various ways and means in which civil society can be mobilised to counter violence, and it aims to outline practical strategies that can be implemented across the globe.


With the collaboration ofSafe Democracy Foundation
Members of the Club de Madrid

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